While considering writing a personal essay you must think about writing a running journal. It will keep your thoughts flow sequentially and rapidly. You will never miss out on any pertinent points which will prove essential for your essay.

Keeping this in mind start a journal and jot down your innermost feelings and thought process. All these will add value to your essay. When you start writing the essay, you need to make an interesting start. Since it is a personal essay, hence the readers will only be interested if they find it intriguing from the very start. The introduction could start with a quote or may be a joke, if it suits the theme of the essay. There could also be an open ended question which will be thought provoking to the readers' mind. All these and more could be ideal start for your essay. An important aspect hat must be kept in mind is the tone of the essay and the person you use. It should always be in first person and have a subtle tone. It can be in third-person as well, but this will entirely depend on the nature of the essay. If it is a generic topic, third-person can be used, but it will not be of personal experience; rather on the individual judgment and deductions.
Writing down the ideas is definitely a good way to start, but while writing the essay, choose the subject, which you think will affect the readers' mind. The first few paragraphs are crucial. During this phase the reader will decide if they want to go further into the essay or just avoid it. Hence the transitional phrases and words you use will also be considered critical. While scripting the essay keep the tone gentle which will not hurt the readers or any other associated persons. In some cases you can write a few paragraphs in different tones. Then choose the one which you think is most apt.
Personal essay topics are considered quite thought provoking by most readers, as it gives different view points and opinions which was not considered before. Such ideas can only grab the attention of the readers'. The style, topic and voice of your personal essay should have the punch to make the audience think. Covering everything in a few paragraphs is essential and clever.
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