The main motive behind the APA style essay is to provide a structure and also to give a logical formation of ideas throughout the Essay Writing Paper. There are different ways to present the essay in the APA format. The main concern is the referencing aspect, because most writers forget to follow the basic principles of referencing. Each set of quotations, summary, paraphrase must be referenced, if applicable. The author names along with the year should be mentioned. The year is generally included in a parenthesis. Page numbers are similarly included in parenthesis. If the writer uses a quote more than 40 words, then it must be indented 5 spaces from the margin and written in double space. Do not use any sort of quotation mark, rather end the part with a stop. After the block of writing include the citation without any period.
The APA style of writing also proposes the format that needs to be used when there are multiple authors. If there are two authors the names must be separated by ampersand or the word "and". If there are multiple authors then the names need to be mentioned the very first time you are using it as the reference. For the subsequent referencing mention the name of the first author and then include "et al." In some situations the author will not be an individual person, but an institute or organization. In such cases the name of the institute should be mentioned in the first citation along with the abbreviation. The subsequent citations will include the abbreviation. While writing an essay you will find that in some cases there will be no authors. Then you need to mention the name of the book or journal along with the year. Multiple sources can also be included which should be separated with a semicolon. A referencing can also be made from different sources but by the same author. In such a situation the ideal way should be arranging the citations in an alphabetical order, with the name of the author mentioned in the very first time.
The APA essay format is not complicated as thought by many. It just needs to be followed carefully with proper mention of the citations and references. Headers and title page is also given importance in the APA format of writing essay. The pagination must be done correctly with the title page at the beginning, the abstract on the next page and the main essay should start from the third page onwards. Systematic way of writing is required in this format of essay writing.
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